Asian Openbill is a rare resident bird of Asia

Birds species

Asian Openbill

Scientific Name: Anastomus oscitans (Boddaert, 1783), Other Name: Ardea oscitans, Boddaert, 1783, Bengali Name: এশীয় শামখোল, Asio Shamkhol. Common Name: Asian Openbill.
জীববৈজ্ঞানিক শ্রেণীবিন্যাস
Kingdom: Animalia, Division: Chordata, Class: Aves; Family: Ciconiidae; Genus: Anastomus, Linnaeus, 1758; Species: Anastomus oscitans (Boddaert, 1783)

Asian Openbill, scientific name Anastomus oscitans, locally called এশিয় শামখোল, is a rare resident bird in Bangladesh. Once upon a time it was exist in all over the country. But it is recently seen in very few districts of the country. It makes nests in the districts of Rajshahi, Feni, Joypurhat, Kushtia and in the Sunderbans.

History of their Migration: In 2010-12, the migratory birds were seen in winter in the districts of Thakugaon, Dinajpur, Kushtia and Mymensingh. I, Anup Sadi, have observed a group of Birds in the last three years in the village Birkharua, Kaoraid, Gafargaon, Mymensingh. In winter of 2010, I counted 96 birds and every year these birds come in the area as migratory birds. Those birds move for food at the Thana of Gafargaon, Trisal, Nandail, Mymensingh Sadar, Kapasia and Pakundia. In the last December-February some birds were seen at Mymensingh Agricultural University and at that time local dailies made news on them. A group of birds were seen in the month of April, 2012 at the area of Vaoal National Garden and other group of birds in March-April, 2012 nearby BSMR Agricultural University, Gazipur. More than 80 birds were seen in the last two winter (2011-2012) in Jahangirnagar University Campus. I have worked to aware consciousness of the people of Gafargaon, Mymensingh in the last two years. A group of birds, more than 80, were seen in the village Bottoli/Bagerhat of Thakurgaon in June-October, 2012. In February, 2007, nearabout 500 birds were seen in the Char of River Karnafuli, Chittagong. I counted 26 at Parbotipur of Dinajpur district in 2010 and those were probably gone there from Joypurhat. Asian Openbill has been seen a very few in number at the border of Thakurgaon. All these birds visit everyday at the wet-lands of the border areas of Thakurgaon districts from the bird sanctuary of Raigonj, North Dinajpur, West Bengal.

আরো পড়ুন:  চামচঠুঁটো বাটান বিশ্বে মহাবিপন্ন ও বাংলাদেশের দুর্লভ পরিযায়ী পাখি

Colony of Asian Openbill in Bangladesh: I also observed Asian Openbill at the Thana named Akkelpur of Joypurhat district and there the birds are somehow safe. A colony of Asian Openbill is habituated in the village named Shakhidarpara of Akkelpur thana. The people of the village Shakhidarpara are the safeguards for the birds. The villagers are saving the birds from 2003.

The other two colonies of these birds are found in the village Bajkhulsi, Durgapur of Rajshahi in 2007 and a colony in Kushtia in 2009. I have no information about the colony of Feni.

If the people of Bangladesh try, Asian Openbill can be returned In Bangladesh within 5 years.

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