On the Question of Freedom of Thought

Freedom of thought depends on free thinking and free-will, but it is more than that. Free thinking is the idea that expresses the views and opinions of anyone. A thinker has the right to speak or manifest his ideas freely. Thoughts expect freedom of publication, publicity, presentation, reproduction, reunion, evaluation, organization and mobilization.

The problems on freedom of speech, freedom of views, freedom of opinions, freedom of press and freedom of individuals comprehend the problem of Freedom of thoughts. Freedom of thought means the liberation from all types of inertia and superstitions. An inactive person can never establish his freedom of thought. In the same way, a superstitious man is confined to his age-long practice in social or religious field that goes against common sense or reason. A free thinker is free from all kinds of backwardness. A free thinker asks any questions on popular beliefs, conventions, traditions; he tries to find out what truth is or where truth exists. Experiment for searching truth is the prominent characteristic of a free thinker.

Freedom of thought is a very difficult idea that connects different types of problems those has no permanent solution. It is impossible to experience total liberty without some sorts of control. Rules and regulations are necessary. The people who think absolute freedom or total liberty from all kinds of rules or laws create haphazard situations in society. Those who are autocratic or despotic to express their thoughts are harmful to society. A responsible free thinker considers the thoughts of others, the nature of matter, the reactions of people and the ways of progressions. A free thinker doesn’t misuse his freedom of thought. We need such types of thoughts those are applicable, reliable and based on reality.

আরো পড়ুন:  Idle and Democracy Talking

Translation on 14 January, 2012, Mymensingh. 

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