Diversity of the Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh.

Anup Sadi
Poet & Author,
Bangladesh December, 2012

Medicinal plants are playing a vital role in the development of Bangladesh. There are about 6,500 plant species in different regions of Bangladesh. Among these, there are over 700 medicinal species or herbs. But many species of herbs and shrubs are disappearing from various regions or districts of the country.

The demand for herbal plants as raw material of the medicinal industry is increasing in Bangladesh as in the world. Unani, Ayurveda and homeopathy are now using as raw material in pharmaceutical products, as well as many herbal products in beauty parlors and cosmetics. In such a situation, it is the duty and responsibility of every individual in the country to protect the Medicinal plants and herbs from extinction.

Chapter 1


Research became my favorite job in the last 4 years. I have worked on the fruit plants in 2008 and after that research work, I started working on the medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Doing research work on important and critical issues of the society is lovable and interesting to me. “A Study on Diversity of Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh”[1] is a time benefiting topic which deserves due attention and importance for our country. I have made a fair attempt to prepare my topic with the best available information from the last  three years.

The objectives of preparing this research work are to increase  the capacity of the farmers and other groups of people for identifying of socio-economic problem to find out the nature and course  of problem to create  awareness  of agricultural work related groups  about the problem and to solve them through  investigation.

Medicinal plants are an important wealth in our country. From long ago Medicinal  plants assail their leaf, stem, root, fruit etc are used to protect desire. But with the much destructing of forest they are also destroyed. According to the scientist  many of  them are already  extinct, so my research paper is very  important in this time  I am very happy to prepare this work within this year 2012. I would be more than rewarded if my study benefits the readers to some extent and stimulates  thinking in the respective spheres.


It is worth whole to mention that in doing any important work the assistance and supervision is very essential. Preparation of a research paper is a hard work in the daily family life. I take a long time on this work and expressing my earnest gratitude to my family member who cooperated me a lot. In preparing this research I received whole hearted cooperation from my family members, my teacher M. A. M Jakir Hossain and My colleague Monjurul Haque. I express my gratitude and heartiest thanks to their valuable suggestions and sympathetic co-operation.

I am grateful to Dolon Prova, the editor of roddure.com for her cooperation and suggestions. I am also grateful to all faculty members, especially Khairul Alam Ratan and Farid Uddin of Mymensingh Govt. College and library authority for their earnest Co-operation.

Executive Summary

There are more than 6000 species of plants grow in Bangladesh. The plants which are useful for healing several diseases are called medicinal plant. The main theme is that the herbal medicated plant is called the medicinal plant. Bacteria Fungi, Algae, Bryophytes Pteridophytes Gymnosperms, Angiosperm each of the group has medicinal plant. There are 722 medicinal plants in our country. They have much variety and diversity. They have diversity in size & shape, in habitat, in adaptation power, in flowering, in production season, in somatical element and in the activity on human life. We can detect or distinguish than easily for their individual diversity. We can use them in several purposes. Main of them are to control disease. Most of the antibiotic such as subtilin; `polimixin’ penicillin etc are produced from this medicinal plant besides this all of the Unani, Herbal, Kobiraji, Homeopath medicine are produced from medicinal plant. In this way different utility and characteristics based medicinal plant are also recognized weeds plant, aquatic plants, fruitat plant, forestall plant etc. We may get highly valuable medicine from some medicinal plants in future which help our next generations to treat chronic disease. So far the probable fuyure we should conserve the medicinal plant.

List of Table

Table No.Subject
Table No 01List of Contents
Table No 02The list of medicinal plant grows in different habitat.
Table No 0356 medicinal plants according to the usable parts of the plants.
Table No 04The list of the most important  medicinal plant in Bangladesh
Survey Table No 05Percentage of use of medicinal plants in different types of  treatment
Survey Table No 06Percentage of using  medicinal plants for curing different disease
Survey Table No 07Percentage of  Plantation of medicinal plant in their house
Survey Table No 08Percentage of this opinion that herbal treatment is not expensive.
Survey Table No 09Percentage of this opinion that herbal treatment has no side effect
Table No 10List of the  nearly extinct medicinal plants in Bangladesh
Table No 11List of endangered plant in Red Data Book.

Acronyms and Abbreviation

ICBN          –        International Code of  Botanical Nomenclature
IK                –        Indigenous Knowledge 
SACEP       –        South Asian Cooperation Environment Program.
IUCN – International Union for conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
BNH – Bangladesh National Herbarium.
WHO _ World Health Organization.
WCU _ World Conservation Union.
WWF _ World Wide Fund for Nature
B.C.S _ Bangladesh Civil Service.

Table 01: List of Contents

1.3.Executive Summary
1.4.List of the tables
1.5.Acronyms and abbreviations
1.6List of Contents
2.1Statement of the problem
2.2Objective  of the study
2.3Scope of the research paper
2.4Source and research method
2.6Review of Literature
2.8Source and research method
3. Main Body
3.1History of medicinal plant
3.2Classification of medicinal plants
3.3Significance and importance of medicinal plants
3.4Medicinal plant and it’s diversity on the basis of their habitat
3.5Medicinal plant and it’s diversity on the basis of their utility
3.6Availability of present medicinal plants of Bangladesh
3.7Commercial Uses of Medicinal plants in Bangladesh
3.8The economic status and uses of medicinal plants: A survey.
 Chapter -4
4.Problems and prospects of Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh
4.2Causes of the declination of  medicinal plants
4.3Nearly extinction  medicinal plants in Bangladesh
4.4The necessity and importance of conservation of medicinal plants
4.5Step taken by Govt. to conserve the diversification of medicinal plants
4.6Prospect of Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh
 Chapter 5
5.Findings and Recommendations
 Appendix – 1


The plants which are useful for healing several diseases are called medicinal plant. The main theme is that the herbal medicated plant is called the medicinal plant? Bacteria Fungi, Algae, Bryophytes Pteridophytes Gymnosperms, Angiosperm each of the group has medicinal plant. There are 722 medicinal plants in our country. They have much variety diversity. They have diversity in size & shape, in habitat, in adaptation power, in flowering, in production season, in somatical element and in the activity on human life. We can detect or distinguish than easily for their individual diversity. We can use them in several purposes for their diversity. Main of them are to control disease. Most of the antibiotic such as subtilin; `polimixin’ penicillin etc are produced from this medicinal plant. Besides this all of the Unani, Herbal, Kobiraji, Homeopath medicine are produced from medicinal plant. In this way different utility and characteristics based medicinal plant are also recognized weeds plant, aquatic plants, fruitat plant, forestall plant etc. Each of the plant group has individual diversity and this diversity has special importance. Basically the habitual, morphological or somatic elemental diversity of medicinal plant is very valuable to us.

Please click on the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Page Numbers below to read the full Paper of the Diversity of Fruit Plants in Bangladesh.

আরো পড়ুন:  কেলেলতা দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার ভেষজ প্রজাতি

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