Diversity of the Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh.

3.6 Availabilities of present medicinal plants of Bangladesh :

It is generally estimated that about 5000 species of indigenous and naturalised phanaerogamic and pteridophytic plants grow in Bangladesh.

These plants grow here both wild and under cultivation. Out of them more than 1000 plants, which include many food, vegetable, beverage, spice and ornamental plants, contain medicinally useful chemical substances and are regarded as having medicinal properties of one kind or therapeutic agents of various medicinal preparations particularly of Unani, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicines.

A plant cannot be called a medicinal plants simply because somebody has said so unless it is corroborated by photochemical clinical and experimental evidence.

In this way the real and useful medicinal plants can be separated from those that are take or worthless, only after that the correct status of medicinal plants resources of the country can be established.

However with the present state of our knowledge of the medicinal plant resources of Bangladesh, it can be said, with regard to their physical occurrence, that more than 1000 plants having medicinal and/or poisonous properties occur in Bangladesh. Of these about 450 have been enumerate with their chemical constituents and medicinal properties (Ghani, 19106) and about 550 have been enumerated with their medicinal properties and therapeutic uses (Yusuf et al 1994). Out of this enumerated medicinal plants 257 have been identified as efficacious remedies for diarrheal diseases (Mia, 1990) and 47 of them as useful in the treatments of diabetes (Khan 1996).

3.7.  Commercial Use of Medicinal plants in Bangladesh:

(source : Hakim Am. Rakibul Islam, Director (Morketing) Hamdard Laboratoris (Oyakaph) Bangladesh)

আরো পড়ুন:  শন বা বন শন এর আটটি ভেষজ গুণাগুণের বিবরণ

Table 04: The list of the most important  medicinal plants in Bangladesh

SL No.Scientific nameLocal nameUse (Tan)Price Taka Kg/Piece
1.Carica papayaপেপে62008
2.Cassia fistulaবান্দর লাঠি46008
3.Piper betleপান3655000.3
4.Terminalia chebulaহরিতকী330016
5.Aegle marmelosবেল260030
6.Rosa damascene, Flowerগোলাপ2200150
7.Cocos nuciferaনারকেল28000014
8.Zingiber officinale   আদা200020
9.Aloe barbadensisঘৃতকুমারী224280
10.Trachytspermum ammiJayno190027
11.Phyllanthus emblicaআমলকি190075
12.Cassia angustifoiaSunapata190055
13.Glycyrrhiza glabraShasthimadu180050
14.Nymphaea nouchaliশাপলা170030
15.Terminalia belericaবহেরা140013
16.Cinnamonun zeylanicumদারচিনি120076
17.Swerita chirataচিরতা1100320
18.Allium sativumরসুন100023
19.Cichorium intybs,কাশিমূল100120
20.Cichorium intybusকাশি বীজ1000160
21.Elettaria-cardamomumছোট এলাচ1000450
22.Saraca indicaঅশোক10008
23.Cyperus rotundusমুথা100025
24.Fumaria officinalisShahtara100024
25.Andrographis paniculataকালোমেঘ100018
26.Smilax aristalochaefoliaOshaba90028
27.Foeniculum vulgareMouri80044
28.Withania somniferaঅশ্বগন্ধা800100
29.Adhatoda vasicaবাসক60018
30.Citrus aurantifoliaলেবু6001
31.Coriandrum sativumDania58023
32.Solanum nigrumফুটি বেগুন550145
33.Syzygium cuminiকালজাম55025
34.Zingiber officinaleআদা শুঠ50065
35.Sphaeranthus indicusMundi48030
36.Ocimum sanctumতুলসি48020
37.Tamarindus indicaতেঁতুল45020
38.Azadirachta indica     নিম44020
39.Azadirachta indica     নিম43020
40.Cuminum cyminum     Gira37095
41.Holarrhena antidysentericaকুরচি36021
42.Vetiveria zezanioides Khs350120
43.Asparagus racemosusশতমূলী340230
44.Eugenia caryophyllusলবঙ্গ340185
45.Centella asiaticaথানকুনি34035
46.Tinospora cordifoliaগুলঞ্চ33020
47.Cassia occidentalisকালকাসুন্দা32518
48.Solanum xanthocarpumকণ্টিকারি32018
49.Mentha arvensisপুদিনা30048
50.Dalbergia sissooশিশু30020
51.Boerhaavia diffusaPunarnova29040
52.Tephrosia purpureaSarjuka27034
53.Tribulus terrestrisGokshor26052
54.Lpomoea turpethumতেউরি/Teuri26030
55.Terminalia arjunaঅর্জুন23018
56.Euryale  feroxতালমাখনা22560
57.Cordia latifoliaSapestan22040
58.Curcuma zeodariaAkangi21535
59.Areca catechuসুপারি20050
60.Cinnamomum tamalaতেজপাতা18028
61.Curcuma longaহলুদ26520
62.Rauvolfia serpentineসর্পগন্ধা160180
63.Punica granatumডালিম14565
64.Berberis aristataDaruharudra14055
65.Nardostachys jatamansiজাতামশি/Jatamanshe14060
66.Chrozophora prostateনীলকণ্ঠি9965
67.Strychnos nnux-vomixaকুচিলা9052
68.Lagenaria sicarariaকদু8675
69.Cydonia vulgarisবিহিদানা/Bihidana72550
70.Bambusa arundinaceaBanshalochan7270
71.Trigonella foenum-graceumমেথি7032
72.Eclipta albaভৃঙ্গরাজ6040
73.Tamarindus indicaতেতুল6035
74.Helicteres isoraAtamura6040
75.Gymnema  sylvestreGurmarbuti60140
76.Cinnamomum cassiaতাজ/Taj5590
77.Sesamum indicumসাদা তিল5025
78.Cuscuta reflexaস্বর্ণলতা11562
79.Linum usitatissimumতিসি4530
80.Melia azedarachঘোড়ানিম4040
81.Lawsonia albaমেহেদি3560
82.Daucus carotaগাগার/Gagar3510
83.Rubia cordifoliaমাঙ্গিস্তা/Mangishta3085
84.Plumbago zeylanicaচিতামূল/chitamul3075
85.Nigella sativaকালোগিয়া/Kalogia2738
86.Salmalia malabaricaমছরাস/Mochras2590
87.Ipomoea paniculatumভূঁইকুমড়া2430
88.Amomum subulatumবড় এলাচি23360
89.Mesua ferreaনাগেশ্বর23140
90.Mentha arvensisকাঁচা পুদিয়া/Kacha pudia1833
91.Punica granatumডালিম18500
92.Raphamus sativusমুলা1865
93.Vitex  negundoনিশিন্দা936
94.Liysea sebiferaমেদা/Meda926
95.Cardiospermum helicaebumবাঁকালি/Bankali9300
96.Aegle marmelosবেল926

3.8. The Economic status and uses of Medicinal Plants: A servey.

আরো পড়ুন:  শসা-র নানাবিধ ভেষজ গুণাগুণ ও উপকারিতা

Some primary data have been collected from 30 common people for know the recent uses of medicinal plants. These data are giving below in the form of table

Survey Table 05:  Percentage of using  medicinal plants  in several types of  treatment.

Sl No.Types of TreatmentPercentage of using  medicinal plant

Source :  Dixie et al , 2003

Survey Table 06: Percentage of using  medicinal plants for curing different disease:

Do you use the medicinal plants for curing different disease ? Their opinions are given below

Use of Medicinal PlantFrequencyPercentage (%)

Survey Table 07 : Percentage of plantation of medicinal plants in their house :

Do you think it is necessary to plant, use and conserve medicinal plants in your house their options are given below :

Plantation  of Medicinal PlantFrequencyPercentage
Better if have0620
No need0423

Survey Table 08 : Percentage of this opinion that herbal treatment is not expensive :

Herbal treatment is not expensive the answers of the respondents on this topic are given below :


Survey Table 09 : Percentage of this opinion that herbal treatment has no side effect :

Herbal treatment has no side effect their opinions are given below-

No side effectFrequencyPercentage (%)

The above table shows though herbal treatment has reduced, but the quality of it does not reduced. Though very few respondent use herbal treatment, maximum respondent believe herbal treatment is not expensive and it is without any side effect. 67% respondent believe it is necessary to plant hobs in their residence. Many people earn lot of money use there local medicinal plant.

আরো পড়ুন:  সুপারি গাছ চাষ, পরিচর্যার এবং সংগ্রহ পদ্ধতি

Please click on the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Page Numbers below to read the full Paper of the Diversity of Fruit Plants in Bangladesh.

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